COD. 137 - Decarbonized and resilient road infrastructure to enhance sustainable mobility - 24 apr

CFP : 3

Iscrizioni terminate

Orario Inizio: 24-04-2024
Ora: 09:00
Durata: 4.30 Ore
Luogo Camera di Commercio di Roma - Sala del Tempio di Vibia Sabina e Adriano, Piazza di Pietra, Roma, RM

L’evento tratterà due grandi temi di fondamentale importanza per gestori e policy makers: decarbonizzazione delle infrastrutture e dei trasporti e gestione della resilienza delle infrastrutture stradali.


L’evento sarà suddiviso in due sessioni.


La prima sessione sarà dedicata alla Decarbonization as a key strategic theme: challenges and perspectives, ed in apertura è previsto un key-note speech di Dr. Fabio PASQUALI, PIARC Strategic Coordinator on Decarbonization. Tra i temi che verranno trattati ci sono Sustainable Freight Transport, Road Infrastructure for decarbonization of transport, e Decarbonization of road construction and maintenance procedures.


La seconda sessione tratterà il tema Resilient road infrastructure: worldwide strategies to face climate change and extreme weather conditions’ impacts ed è previsto un opening key-note speech sul tema. Tra i temi che verranno trattati ci sono Planning of road infrastructure’s resilience, Disaster Management e Environmental Impact of road infrastructure.


Essendo un evento di natura internazionale, questo si terrà esclusivamente in lingua inglese.


09:00 – 9:15 Accreditation of delegates


9:15 – 10:00 Opening session

Master of Ceremony: Domenico CROCCO, PIARC Italy First Delegate and Secretary General, ANAS S.p.A. Manager of International Institutional Affairs


Welcoming addresses from Lorenzo TAGLIAVANTI, President of Camera di Commercio, Industria, Artigianato e Agricoltura di Roma


Institutional greetings

Edoardo VALENTE, ANAS S.p.A. and PIARC Italy President


Institutional representative(s)

Min. Matteo SALVINI, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructures and Transport (TBC), and/or


Min. Gilberto PICHETTO FRATIN, Minister for the Environment and Energy Security (TBC)


Nazir ALLI, PIARC President


Diego CATTONI, AISCAT President


Malika SEDDI, ASECAP Secretary General


Angelo Domenico PERRINI, President of the Italian National Engineer Council (TBC)


Aldo ISI, ANAS S.p.A. Chief Executive Officer (TBC)


Patrick MALLEJACQ, PIARC Secretary General


10:00 – 11:30 Session 1 - Decarbonization as a key strategic theme for PIARC: challenges and perspectives


Moderator: Emanuela STOCCHI, AISCAT and Executive Committee Member of PIARC


Keynote Speaker: Fabio PASQUALI, PIARC Strategic Coordinator on Decarbonization


Massimo MARCIANI, President of Italian TC 2.3 “Sustainable Freight Transport” and President of Freight Leaders Council


Giovanni Federigo DE SANTI, President of Italian TC 3.5 “Road Infrastructure for decarbonization of transport” and Director of Sustainable Transition Initiatives of Politecnico di Torino


Orazio BAGLIERI, President of Italian TC 4.5 “Decarbonization of road construction and maintenance procedures” and Member of International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures (RILEM), and Full Professor at Politecnico Torino


Geoff ALLAN, Vice President of the Executive Committee of PIARC, Chairman of the PIARC Strategic Planning Commission and Austroads Chief Executive


Int’l Speaker #2 – TBC


Int’l Speaker #3 – TBC



11:30 – 11:45 Coffee-break


11:45 – 13:15 Session 2 – Resilient road infrastructure: worldwide strategies to face climate change and extreme weather conditions’ impacts


Moderator: Gianluca COSSALE, Coordinator of PIARC Italy Technical Committees


Keynote Speaker: TBC


Marco GAROZZO, President of Italian TC 1.4 “Planning of road infrastructure’s resilience” and Sina S.p.A. CEO


Piero BOCCARDO, President of Italian TC 1.5 “Disaster Management” and Full Professor at Politecnico Torino


Giovanni MAGARÒ, Vice-President of Italian TC 3.4 “Environmental Impact of road infrastructure” and Manager of Transport Planning, Study and Network Classification - Technical Department, ANAS S.p.A.


Setsuo HIRAI, Member of the Executive Committee of PIARC, Senior Director of Overseas Projects Division, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) of Japan 


Mark Henry RUBARENZYA, Vice President of the Executive Committee of PIARC  - Head - Research and Development, Uganda National Roads Authority


Hugh GILLIES, Member of the Executive Committee of PIARC, Director of Roads, Transport Scotland


Sanjay Kumar NIRMAL, Member of the Executive Committee of PIARC, Indian Roads Congress Secretary General


13:15 – 13:30 Key sessions’ highlights and closing remarks


Emanuela STOCCHI, AISCAT and Executive Committee Member of PIARC


Patrick MALLEJACQ, PIARC Secretary General


13:30 – 14:30 Light Lunch

Giorno Inizio Fine Sede Docenti
24-04-2024 09:00 13:30 Camera di Commercio di Roma - Sala del Tempio di Vibia Sabina e Adriano
Condizioni generali L'attestato di partecipazione all’evento, che sarà conseguito previo controllo della partecipazione a tutta la durata dello stesso, potrà essere scaricato dagli Ingegneri dalla piattaforma nei giorni successivi allo svolgimento dell’evento medesimo e dovrà essere custodito dal discente ai sensi dell’art. 10 del Regolamento per l’Aggiornamento delle Competenze Professionali. Per gli altri partecipanti l’Ordine degli Ingegneri della Provincia di Roma e la Fondazione dell’Ordine degli Ingegneri della Provincia di Roma rilasceranno l’attestato di partecipazione.